For over four decades Architectural Archive has acquired some of the finest museum quality furniture and rare decorative arts from Palaces, Castles, Mansions, and Great Landmarks around the world. with a concerning eye for excellence, we have collected samples of outstanding cabinet makers such as Francious Linke, Christian & Gustave Herter, Pottier Stymus Valentino Besarel, Luigi Frullinni, and other World Class Furniture Makers. Using the samples and castings from these Magnificent Masterpieces Architectural Archive Manufacturers some of the finest Furniture in the world using the same intricate methods of the Old World Craftsmen.
Linke Museum Quaility Recreations
Francois Linke (1855-1946), born in Pankraz, Bohemia, is considered by many as the greatest Parisian cabinetmaker of his day, at a time when the worldwide influence of French fashion was at its height. The ancien r,gime has always been the greatest source of inspiration for artistic design in France and, influenced amongst others by the de Goncourt brothers, the Louis XV and Louis XVI styles were revived to wide popular appeal. During the Second Empire these styles were so eclectic that they became debased.
Linke Museum Recreations by Marcellr